Indonesian IR Program Certification (Examination Certification)
Becoming Master " IR Practitioner "
Mastering Your Skill & Ability to Build, Deliver & Maintain Corporate Human Resources
Mastering Your Skill & Ability to Build, Deliver & Maintain Corporate Human Resources
The Acacia Hotel / Lumire Hotel (Aston Atrium), Jakarta, January 12-13, 2010
Excellent Training for IR Practitioner in company which are want to quickly / shortcut to be a master in Industrial Relation area.
By the end of these training, there will be performed a written test (examination test) to assess competency of all participant
By the end of these training, there will be performed a written test (examination test) to assess competency of all participant
Renewal of regulations of government concerning labour manpower from time to time represent form of government commitment to continue of completing normatif orders of labour manpower in order to fulfill sense of justice for labour manpower world which in it there are entrepreneur and labour. Rules of labur manpower released by government aim to to managing & handling labour manpower in Indonesia, however government also often release unclear normatif policy & did not arrange details rules that causing many interpretation meaning by entrepreneur, this matter of course will generating many conflict among labour and entrepreneur.
Growth of Industrial Relation these days marked by existence of very significant change as globalization impact and reform for example covering federal freedom, execution of HAM, rule of law, otonomous area as result of change of governance system, applying of standard of international labour manpower, infrastructure and invesment climate. These change phenomenon have to understand by all party related in industrial relation because changes that happened in the end have to followed with change of correct attitude and behavior because concerning many aspect like social, cultural, economics, political and strive the make-up of prosperity.
Facing this fact, all practitioner claimed to be more sinergis and quickly adapt with condition of environment and national by reffer to law and regulation going into effect. To reach company productivity increament, it's necessery to have dinamyc condition (work secure) for worker / labour and also investment secure & peacefull to entrepreneur. This matter is felt that overbearingly regulation of labour manpower completely, all HRD Practitioner are expected can apply it precisely so that awake balance execution of company rights and obligations and also worker / labour, and also executing of policy of government which related to goodness.
This Workshop is addressed to all HRD practitioner specially in area of Industrial Relation owning experience below/under 3 year and presented in a word, solid and itemize specifics fundamental labour manpower which need to get attention, starting from hired, during taking place job relation, into fired with the core important refference is labour manpower regulations which arranging the parties rights and obligations in activity, and also its relation with Union Labour / Serikat Pekerja & Government in the form of labor act and also rule of execution in the form of Law, Regulation Of Government, Decision of President, Decision / regulation of Menakertrans and related/relevant other regulation.
Labour Manpower Law Preface, Understanding Rules & Introducing Labour Manpower Case
1. Preface
Labour Manpower Law Preface, Manpower Law Operational Area; Perdata Law Aspect / Administration Law / Criminal Law in Labour Manpower Law
2. Work Relation & Work Agreement
Work Relation Element, Agreement In General, Condition Legality Work Agreement, Obligation of The Parties, Early and Ending Work Agreement, Form, Content, Framework and Items Work Agreement, Fringes Compilation of Contract Worker / Permanent Worker, Sanction of its Collision.
3. Outsourcing
Understanding Of Common Fringes of Outsourcing Work and Outsourcing Service Worker And Also Sanction of its Collision, Consideration of Usage of Outsourcing Work / Worker Outsourcing in Company, Compilation Of Framework Agreement Contract
4. Expatriate
Rule of Usage Expatriate
5. Protection Of Disability, Protection of Child and Protection Of Woman
Rule of Base which must Guidance, Company Rights and Obligations, Prohibition Order and Conditions In Employing and also Sanction of its Collision, Recognition of Cases which Often Happened.
6. Working Time
Rule Of Working Time / Resting Time / Overtime, Working Time / Resting Time at Certain Area, Working Time / Resting Time for Work Which In Character Continuously, Long Rest at Certain Company, Leave in Concern, Sanction of its Collision.
7. Safety & Health of Work
Rule Of K3, Sanction of its Collision; etc
8. Remuneration
Rules Of Fundamental Remuneration, Rights for Accept Salary, Minimum Salary / Deferment, Salary Structure Scale, Section "No Work No Pay" / its exemption, Fundamental Salary / Fix Allowance / Variable Allowance, Imposition Of Fine To Worker / Company, Prohibition Order Discrimination Salary, THR (Religious Day Allowance), Sanction of its Collision.
9. Social Security and Prosperity
Legal Fundamental, Rights and Obligations Entrepreneur / Worker, Retired Fund / Insurance, Sanction of its Collision; etc
10. Union Labour, Entrepreneur Organization, International Labour Organization (ILO), LKS BIPARTIT, LKS TRIPARTIT
Legal Fundamental, Forming, Rights And Obligations of Union Labour, Procedure Record-Keeping Of Union Labour, Rights Entrepreneur Form / Becoming Organizational Member of Entrepreneur, Principal and Target Of Forming Of ILO, Organization Chart of ILO, Benefit of Becoming Member of ILO, Obligation Forming LKS Bipartit / Its Member Elements, Function Institute, Sanction of its Collision, Function and Membership of LKS Tripartit
11. Company Regulation / Current labour Agreement
Obligation Of Company Have Company Regulation / Current Labour Agreement, Direct Materials; Rule Of Base In Compilation; A period of / Going into effect, Registration / Authentication, Sanction Collision Will its, Discussion of Crussial Company Regulation / Current Labour Agreement
12. Industrial Relation Dispute
Congeniality, Type Dispute Of Industrial Relation, Procedure of Solving Of Industrial Relation Dispute, Role Of POLICE In Industrial Relation Dispute
13. Strike / Closing Down the Entreprise / Lock Out
Agreed Actions and Which Do Not Be Agreed By Law, Sanction of its Collision
14. Collision of Discipline and Termination of Employment Relationship (TER)
Congeniality Of Termination Employment Relationship, Types of TER, Process TER, Prohibition Order TER, Warning Letter, Suspension, Component and Compensation of TER, Sanction of its Collision, Recognition Some Case of TER, Sanction Prochedure Of Collision Of Discipline By Worker
15. Observation Of Labour Manpower
Legal Fundamental Observation Of Labour Manpower, Report Obligation Labour Manpower, Obliged To Report, What is Obliged To Be Reported, Sanction of its Collision, Recognition of Cases; etc
16. Investigation, Rule of Crime and Administrative Sanction
Law Of Giving Sanction of Perdata/Criminal/Administratif Of Collisions of Rule of Labour Manpower, etc
Who have to Participated
Expatriate, Top Management, Senior HR & IR Practitioner which want to more focus & indepth with Industrial Relation, also and also all party which related to ketenagakerjaan in Indonesia
Two Days Workshop ; 09.00 - 16.00 WIB
Two Days Workshop ; 09.00 - 16.00 WIB
The Acacia Hotel, Jl. Kramat Raya No. 81, Jakarta Pusat
Lumire Hotel (Aston Atrium), Jl. Senen Raya No. 135, Jakarta Pusat
Only IDR. 2.500.000,- / person
Special Notes
- Examination will be held 1 hour before end of class.
- Certification will be given :
1. Certificate of Attendance
2. Certificate of Examination (if following test)
- Examination will be held 1 hour before end of class.
- Certification will be given :
1. Certificate of Attendance
2. Certificate of Examination (if following test)
Bank Mandiri - Cempaka Mas No.a/c 120-000-475-430-0 a/n - PT. Whitehouse Consulting
Bank Mandiri - Cempaka Mas No.a/c 120-000-475-
Registration Form
Subject : Becoming Master " IR Practitioner "
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