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Program Kelas Karyawan Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat yang tidak mempunyai waktu luang mengikuti pendidikan hari hari kerja. Program Kelas Karyawan Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk Jenjang Pendidikan Sarjana (S1), Pascasarjana (S2) dan Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAK).

- Waktu kuliah dapat dipilih Kelas Sore (Senin - Jumat) atau Kelas Sabtu Minggu.
- Biaya studi sangat terjangkau dan dapat diangsur sesuai kemampuan mahasiswa.
- Kampus dapat dipilih yaitu Kampus Meruya atau Kampus Menteng.
- Disediakan Bus Kampus antar jemput untuk daerah Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang.
- Mahasiswa yang dari luar kota disediakan Penginapan (Mess)

Program Sarjana (S1):
Syarat Mahasiswa: Lulusan SMU, SMK, D3, Akademi atau yang sederajat
Program Studi: Manajemen, Akuntansi, Psikologi, Public Relation, Marketing Communications, Visual Communication, Broadcasting, Design Graphis, Arsitektur, Design Interior, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informasi, komunikasi

Program Profesi Akuntansi (PPAK):
Syarat Mahasiswa: Lulusan S1 Akuntansi

Program Pascasarjana (S2):
Syarat Mahasiswa: Lulusan S1, D4 atau yang sederajat
Program Studi: Magister Manajemen Keuangan, Magister Manajemen SDM, Magister Manajemen Pemasaran, Magister Manajemen Operasi/Produksi. Magister Manajemen Industri, Magister Manajemen Telekomunikasi, Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, Magister Akuntansi

Ingin dikirimkan Brosur Program Kelas Karyawan Universitas Mercu Buana?. Silahkan isi form dibawah:
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Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia

Advertised: 5-6-10 | Closing Date: 5-7-10

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car.

Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite young, dynamic, and smart people to join our team, and grow with us.

Total Quality Assurance Engineer Staff

(Purwakarta (Cikampek))


* Job Description:
o Controller of management system documents (All ISO)
o To conduct Internal Audit for checking the implementation of management system (All ISO)
o To improve quality management system (ISO 9001)
o Control and manage of Incident and Accident Report and Contractor Safety Management (ISO 8001)
o Coordinate Quality Job Diagnosis inline with Nissan Motor Limited-BZE Audit requirement
o Internal important A&B Job Diagnosis
o Quality Management System Audit for export part-packaging supplier

* Responsibilities:
o Report to Quality Assurance manager regarding to condition of management system
o Report and manage the result of Internal Audit
o Manage and monitor Key Items of environment and safety indicator
o Manage and monitor Incident/Accident Condition and Report
o Manage and monitor implementation of Contractor Management System
o Coordinate with HRD Team regarding implementation of Emergency Response
o Coordinate for Inspection Job Diagnosis from Nissan Motor Limited Japan
o Coordinate for Internal Important A&B Job Diagnosis
o Report for audit result against packaging supplier-quality management system


* Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial or Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
* Preferably have experience from electronic industry maximal 1 year in handling ISO and management system (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
* Must have knowledge about management systems
* Single, 22-24 years old.
* Willing to be located in Purwakarta
* Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
* Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure.

Please submit your complete application letter Before June 18, 2010 to:
(Subject: QA Engineer)

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