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Program Kelas Karyawan Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat yang tidak mempunyai waktu luang mengikuti pendidikan hari hari kerja. Program Kelas Karyawan Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk Jenjang Pendidikan Sarjana (S1), Pascasarjana (S2) dan Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAK).

- Waktu kuliah dapat dipilih Kelas Sore (Senin - Jumat) atau Kelas Sabtu Minggu.
- Biaya studi sangat terjangkau dan dapat diangsur sesuai kemampuan mahasiswa.
- Kampus dapat dipilih yaitu Kampus Meruya atau Kampus Menteng.
- Disediakan Bus Kampus antar jemput untuk daerah Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang.
- Mahasiswa yang dari luar kota disediakan Penginapan (Mess)

Program Sarjana (S1):
Syarat Mahasiswa: Lulusan SMU, SMK, D3, Akademi atau yang sederajat
Program Studi: Manajemen, Akuntansi, Psikologi, Public Relation, Marketing Communications, Visual Communication, Broadcasting, Design Graphis, Arsitektur, Design Interior, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informasi, komunikasi

Program Profesi Akuntansi (PPAK):
Syarat Mahasiswa: Lulusan S1 Akuntansi

Program Pascasarjana (S2):
Syarat Mahasiswa: Lulusan S1, D4 atau yang sederajat
Program Studi: Magister Manajemen Keuangan, Magister Manajemen SDM, Magister Manajemen Pemasaran, Magister Manajemen Operasi/Produksi. Magister Manajemen Industri, Magister Manajemen Telekomunikasi, Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, Magister Akuntansi

Ingin dikirimkan Brosur Program Kelas Karyawan Universitas Mercu Buana?. Silahkan isi form dibawah:
Nama Lengkap Email

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010


Advertised: 18-8-10 | Closing Date: 17-9-10

OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES - a leader in security solution is expanding its research and development center in Jakarta and looking for talented individuals to join the company. At Oberthur Technologies, you will LEARN the latest mobile security technology. You will DEVELOP the state-of-the-art security solution. You will GROW and contribute to creating Jakarta Center of Excellence!

Due to expansion in Indonesia, we need talented people for :

(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Sudirman)


* Implements, improves and optimizes the applications, and prepares the documentation to
arrive at company standard
* Implements applications that are synchronized with the design documents, resulting in
compact & effective implementation of projects’ applications
* Improves & optimizes the application during implementation
* Ensures that the quality of software implementation meets the company standard
* Has contingency plan to anticipate drawbacks, fallbacks & difficulties during implementation
* Prepares documentation during the application development lifecycle
* Delivers project which contains as little number of bugs as possible, with a zero-bug delivery is
much preferable


* Minimum Bachelor degree (S1) in IT, computer science, eletrical engineering or related major
* Hands on knowledge in C, C++, Java/JavaCard programming languages
* Have minimum 1 year experience in Embedded Systems and knowledge in Microcontroller is
* Have knowledge in Software Development Cycle & ISO Process is preferred
* Ability in English communication (verbal and written)

Drop your CV, copies of latest academic record/transcript, ID card and 1 ply of 4x6 sized photo to :
or send it to
P O BOX 4914 JKTM 12700

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